What if I want to bake bread, but do not have a dutch oven? What else can I use?



HalfPint April 17, 2020
You don't really need a dutch oven to make bread. You can bake bread in or on any oven safe vessel, like a baking sheet, cake pan, cast-iron skillet, etc.
Anzabakes April 17, 2020
Thanks! Will I get similar results if I bake uncovered or do I have to cover the bread?
Emmie April 17, 2020
It won't rise as high without trapped steam. You can put a thick metal pan in the bottom of your oven and throw some hot water in it when you put the loaf in; this will create steam in your oven and help your loaf rise! Cover your oven window with a towel so the water doesn't drip on and potentially crack it, though.
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