Any suggestions for mulberry pie recipes?

I'm making a mulberry pie for the first time and wondered if I should add another fruit to complement the mulberries? (also. I don't think I'll have enough for a whole pie.) Thanks so much.

Amanda Moose


Nancy June 10, 2020
Amanda - you'll need 3 1/2 to 4 cups berries for many pie recipes. If you want pure mulberry, maybe make half a recipe as a small pie or individual tarts.
Berries to mix in - if you want, add blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries and/or boysenberries.
Type of pie - for open-faced pie, use the Rose Levy Beranbaum blueberry pie recipe on this site. For two crust or lattice top pie, see browser for many options.
Amanda M. June 10, 2020
Thanks so much for the quick response. What about adding peaches and if so what ratio would you use of mulberries/peaches? Thank you so much, Amanda
Nancy June 10, 2020
Yes, peaches and berries are a good mix.
Though many recipes for that pie filling use peaches:berries ratio of 3:1 or 4:1, I'm guessing that's mostly because berries are more expensive and partly for flavor.
If you use the reverse (3:1 or 4:1 berries to peaches), I'm afraid the berries flavor (stronger) will dominate or drown out the peach flavor.
I'd go for half each berries and peaches.
Please let us know what you used and how it works out, or even a photo,
Nancy :)
Amanda M. June 10, 2020
Thank you so much! I'm going with your suggested half berries and peaches. I'll report back and send a photo. Have a great day, Amanda
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