Would this method be good for pinto beans?

If so what ingredients might be good to add...onion etc? Also would I use olive oil? I've just got a LARGE bag of beans that I'd like to start using :)

  • Posted by: cindy
  • June 21, 2020


Lori T. June 21, 2020
I'm a big fan of baking my beans to cook them, especially in the winter. It works well because the heat is distributed very evenly around your baking container- as opposed to just heating the pot from underneath. You don't have to stir them as you would on the stovetop, so there is less chance for breaking them up as they cook. You don't tend to get overcooked and blownout beans on the bottom, with the ones on top still slightly underdone. It works well for all types of beans too, not just the white varieties. As far as flavor additions- whatever your heart desires, really. Onion, garlic- the usual aromatic herbs like savory, sage, etc all go well. You could add in any smoked meat you like to add a bit more savory meatiness, bacon, sausage, smoked hocks- even chicken works plays well with white beans. Use an Italian blend of seasonings, a Middle Eastern one, Greek, Indian, just be adventurous. Cooked cooled beans make great salads, or salad additions too. Semi-mashed, they are good in wraps. On a hot day, a vinaigrette, tomatos, sliced sugar snaps, and perhaps feta or mozarella- a sliced baguette, and a nice glass of your favorite wine make lunch or dinner. You don't even have to cook the beans all at once, either. Once they are soaked, bag them in zip close freezer bags for future use. Soaked beans cook pretty quickly, and can be cooked from that frozen state without adding much time at all. And yes- the glug of olive oil to finish a bowl of otherwise plain beans is still a nice idea.
cindy June 21, 2020
thank you Lori. I think I will stick to mexican seasonings... onion, garlic, oregano, chili pepper and maybe a tomatoe. I am not sure about olive oil vs canola oil when making refried beans.
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