went on a hike today at near by mountain forest hoping to clear my mind and get some kind of exercise. The trees are beginning to change colors and flower blooms Fortunately, other things are still growing such as this giant wild mushroom.

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boulangere April 9, 2011
Oh my goodness, I agree with ChefDaddy! This is beautiful, pauljoseph, and yes, I'm always ready to write a story.
ChefDaddy April 9, 2011
I think PaulJoseph needs a blog? Thanks for the pics.
pauljoseph April 9, 2011
Tribal hut
pauljoseph April 9, 2011
boulangere I will go into the deep forest and find few real tribal life , recipes and real live picture please give me two month time are you ready to write a story?
boulangere April 9, 2011
Your area and mine, pauljoseph, are so very different that I will be quite interested in what you might discover. We should be able to begin hunting for morel mushrooms in a few weeks. Please do pass along what you discover. Gorgeous photo whatever the edible answer!
pauljoseph April 9, 2011
boulangere I am searching for a tribal from that area to show them the mushrooms and they might know better if they are edible or not may be they have some good recipe with this beautiful mushroom
boulangere April 9, 2011
Oh my! So what did you do or not do with it, besides photograph it? We still have lingering snow on the ground here, so mushroom hunting is still a gleam in the eye.
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