The recipe calls for bouillon granules. Is there not water added to the rice?



Sheri F. August 29, 2021
I have a gas grill and would cook the chicken on one side as if it were a charcoal grill. My main concern is the charcoal in the ghee part. Any suggestions? Also,
My husband can not take too much heat. Has anyone tried cutting back on the peppers?
Susan D. August 3, 2020
The recipe calls for cooked rice.

Step 5. of the recipe does say that you can add a couple tablespoons of water if it's too dry.
Nancy August 3, 2020
Thanks...I missed that.
Susan D. August 3, 2020
You're welcome!

And thank you for the link you included below! The recipe on that page looks good too and includes photos, which were really helpful to visualize adding hot coals to a pot of food!

I've learned a lot here today!!
BeckinBigD August 3, 2020
I totally missed that! (And I read through it several times) In my mind I was thinking of the technique for Lebanese rice, frying first and then cooking. Thanks.
Nancy August 2, 2020
Recipe sounds very interesting.
From another author, a similar recipe soaks 1 cup rice in water for 30 minutes (no amounts given). Have a look and see if this helps.
Also, the same recipe from the book Flavors of the Southeast Asian Grill is posted at other sites and might have more info than the one here about the rice preparation.
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