Can this recipe be processed for canning?

Peach Chipotle BBQ Sauce
Recipe question for: Peach Chipotle BBQ Sauce


Lori T. August 25, 2020
In their cookbook, Ball included a recipe for a spicy peach BBQ sauce. So I don't see why this recipe couldn't be processed and canned as well. Like Half-Pint said, it should probably be processed by pressure canning to be on the safest side of things. I also wouldn't do it up in more than a half pint jar, since it is being reduced to a smooth sauce, to be sure it is getting heated thoroughly. Although it does contain vinegar, and other vinegar based things, you couldn't be sure of the acidity levels to make it worth risking a water bath. At least with pressure cooking, you know it will get above boiling temperatures. Then the only question would be how long to process it for. Me, I'm cautious, and do my fruit based sauces for at least half an hour. But you are getting into rebel canning territory, where there are no officially tested recipes for guidance. I'd be comfortable doing it this way- but you have to make that call for yourself.
Leith D. August 24, 2020
I don't know, I usually make it for 2 uses, use 1/2 then refrigerate the rest. Good luck with canning it!
HalfPint August 24, 2020
Yes, I believe you could can this bbq sauce in a boiling water bath. There seems to be enough acid in the recipe, to make boiling water bath canning a viable option. To be on the safer side, pressure canning is probably better since there is a little onion in this recipe.
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