What do you think about using Boyajian orange oil (which is very concentrated) vs. the orange peel?



Miss_Karen October 11, 2020
Oh, and in case you're thinking 'what a pain the *** that is going to be.' It's not. Grate the orange, then slice off the top of the fruit. Then, score through the skin from top to bottom in about 1/2 nch sections. Put your thumb between the fruit and the skin & peel down from your sliced top. Discard the peels. Easy peasy. Proceed with food processor/ chopping directions for the recipe.
Miss_Karen October 11, 2020
I think it would give you a stronger orange flavor. But, as you mentioned Boyajin oil is quite strong. I would start with 1/4 teaspoon. As far as omitting the peel- I would grate it instead of leaving it on the orange, and having somewhat large chunks of peel in the cake. Grate the colored part, peel the oranges-discard the peel & the pith (which is bitter), then proceed as directed.
dickensthedog October 11, 2020
Thanks for the quick reply. So, are you suggesting that I use 1/4 tsp. of orange oil in addition to grating the rind, or are you suggesting that using the oil or the grated rind are two different alternatives to using chunks of peel?
Miss_Karen October 11, 2020
In my humble opinion: small (1/8 inch etc) bits of orange peel are not pleasant texture in baked items. If it's grated, (the colored part is the only part that has flavor) the flavor comes through with out horrid little leather like pieces. I would use both: a small bit of the Boyajin oil AND grated zest. The oil will add a bit of depth to the taste and there is no reason to waste the zest...
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