Desperate for egg kichel -- like Manishewitz circa 1970-80s

I received a lovely care package today from my brother filled with egg kichel -- but they're just nothing like the ones we used to get when we were kids: big, covered with a crackled sugar glaze, and perfect for coffee dunking. These are sugar- and salt-free and look more like soup crackers. Surely they can't be hard to make? I was hunting recipes online (can find none in any of my books, even Joan Nathan!) and have found both rolled and dropped versions. Suggestions?

  • Posted by: jwlucas
  • April 9, 2011


amysarah April 6, 2012
Oops...forgot to specify: Moishe's is in NYC.
jwlucas April 6, 2012
Creamtea, my 21-year-old son is similarly wise about Mexican Coca-Cola, which has cane sugar and can be found year-round in Latin markets. My quest for 'real' kichel continues this year, though I'm fairly convinced they will remain a sort of Proustian dream. Thanks for your kind words about my blog.
amysarah April 6, 2012
jwlucas, I don't know where you live, but there's a kosher bakery on 2nd Ave. (at E 7th St.) called Moishe's. It's been there forever - like, I remember my grandparents buying babka there. I don't know if they make authentic egg kichel, but if anyone would, it would be them. (I doubt they have a website, but you could call.)
creamtea April 6, 2012
Love Kichel! Any time of year.

Just sayin', after reading and getting a kick out of your blog entry--Passover coke is a big cult item--I was told that even those who are not-of-the-tribe buy it by the case, because it is the only time of year it is produced with cane sugar rather than evil corn syrup. I was informed of this by the resident teenager, who knows everything, apparently.
SallyBroff April 4, 2012
Ooh! I remember kichel!
jwlucas April 18, 2011
Sincere thanks to everyone who was so kind to help in my search! Here's what I wound up with:
ellenl April 10, 2011
Thank you both. Who knew??? I learn something wonderful every day from all you wonderful folks.
jwlucas April 10, 2011
Thank you so much for the quick reply! I'm excited about trying this. Please let me know about your success and if you try any good twists. My brother's care package included chocolate and cinnamon-sugar variations.
MissyJ April 10, 2011
Change your search to Kichlach (like rugelach). I did a quick scan and there seems to be a lot of consistency on the recipe. The following is one link as an example. This may not be the formula you are looking for, but you'll undoubtedly find it using this as your search word.

Funnily enough, around Christmas, I decided to make some homemade rugelach, having bought them in the store for years and always thinking they could be so much better than the dried out things they sell. Holy guacamole! I've been churning out rugelachs by the hundreds since. I've made them with fig filling, strawberry rhubarb filling, apricot of course. Various nuts, raisins and currants, cranberries. Oh my... what an amazing treat.

Now that you bring up the Kichlach, I'm going to take this on too!
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