Solutions for tough pie dough?

Made a fairly successful pie dough yesterday following Erin's tutorial. Was very flaky but a little bit tough. Any suggestions?

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Lori T. October 26, 2020
Tough pie crust is usually due to aggressive handling- either in the mixing or the rolling out. The best pie crust takes a light hand for both. You only add liquid until it barely makes a ball, and then let it rest a few minutes before you start rolling out. Go easy on the flour when you are rolling, since extra flour makes it tough as well. And only roll pie crust one time. If you make a goof- wrap it and chill it for a couple hours before making another attempt. You are trying very hard not to encourage gluten formation- which is good for giving bread chew- but makes crusts tough. And mostly- practice making pies. The more pie crust you make, the more adept you get at it. And even a tough homemade pie crust is pretty good, when you come down to it. Should it be really tough- well, the birds will never tell. You eat the filling, and donate the carrier shell to your feathered friends. Save a few calories for the next try.
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