Powdered milk: what brands have the best flavor? Suggestions?

I occasionally use powdered milk in bread recipes. I used to buy Alba brand, but it’s no longer available. (I’ve tried store brands and find they have an off taste). Suggestions?



Nancy November 1, 2020
Further to Lori's notes, here are a few reviews or lists of powdered milk, ranked by taste or consumer preference. (I used to use it but don't have a current preferred brand to recommend).
Carnation non-fat
Windischgirl November 1, 2020
Thank you! Carnation FTW!
Lori T. October 31, 2020
Try Nido, or Carnation, perhaps. I also use dry milk in breadmaking, although I have to confess I've never noticed a problem with off taste. That doesn't mean I'd want to reconstitute it and have it over the morning cereal though. Also look at the contents, and type milk you have gotten. Some of it is actually whole milk, some skim, some partially skim- and some have other things added in, like more whey, corn syrup solids, etc. And then there is the whole business of being instant or regular- so how well it will reconstitute. Whole milk powder doesn't live as long on the shelf, since the milk fats will oxidize- go rancid. Skim milk will also oxidize over time as well. So be sure to check best use by dates when you buy it, and don't buy a larger pack than you can reasonably use in time. Air and light are enemies, so once I open a package, I have a half gallon mason jar with a vacuum sealable top I use for storage. I painted the outside of the jar dark brown ages ago, to cut down on light. You don't have to go that far- but keep it in mind when finding a storage spot.
Windischgirl October 31, 2020
Thanks, Lori; this is very helpful! I’ll certainly read labels when I’m shopping. I am willing to pay a bit more for better quality and a smaller package.
I wonder how it would store in the freezer?
Lori T. October 31, 2020
Storing it in the freezer is actually the ideal way to do it, providing you can keep it dry. You can put it in a ziplock bag, after you press out all the air you can. Or vacuum seal it, if you have one of those. I just don't have room in my freezer for it most of the time. If you can freeze it though, you could save a bit buying the bigger bag. As I understand it, freezer stored dry milk can last for years if kept dry and air-tight. Storage temperatures affect most foods, and milk powder prefers to be under 75F or so - the lower the better.
Windischgirl November 1, 2020
Thanks! I’d be lost without my chest freezer (which is stocked full of supplies in anticipation of holiday baking). I can certainly vacuum seal and freeze.
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