1/2 recipe in 6 cup bundt stuck to pan. Would a heavier loaf pan bake 1/2 recipe more evenly?

Hi Coral - Though the visible part was very dark and pulling from the edges of the pan, the outside of the cake was light, unlike your picture. I peeled the stuck parts out of the pan and stuck it on the cake. I’m an experienced baker and am perplexed. I would like the crispy edges, and can do another 1/2 recipe in a heavy loaf pan. If I greased the pan and lined it with parchment paper would I get the sugary crisp edges? And how long would you recommend baking, still at 325 degrees? Is it possible that the butter of the well buttered pan got too warm? Many thanks.

Nora Signer
Salted Egg Yolk Pound Cake
Recipe question for: Salted Egg Yolk Pound Cake


Coral L. November 20, 2020
Hi Nora! Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that—butter + parchment would definitely help with the sticking, but if you want the crisp, crisp edges, I'd maybe try spraying the pan with a non-stick oil (for more uniform, allover coverage) or greasing + flouring the pan lightly. Also, unmolding the cake to cool on the rack completely is important, lest the cake's crust steam/soften inside the pan.

I do think sticking with a low temp (325F) is wise, and if the top of the cake is getting too dark, you can tent with foil until the edges/bottom catch up. Also—where is your cake in the oven? Maybe trying a lower shelf (mid-, mid-lower rack) so the bottom gets enough heat to cook through, and the top doesn't brown as quickly?

As for bake time—I'd start checking for doneness at the 55 minute mark, but this is certainly not hard and fast, as everyone's pan + oven situation is unique.

Hope this helps, Nora!
Nora S. November 20, 2020
Thank you Coral! I baked it in a small electric oven since large gas one had been high heat cleaned and still had fragrance. Think I did leave in pan on rack too long, accounting for steaming and sticking as you said, however, that would not account for the paler sides. For pastry flour I used AP flour plus corn starch. I can do that again or use a mixture of AP and cake flour. Which is your preference? Since I planned to make a second one in the heavier loaf pan I did taste, and taste, and taste, it is delicious. And the well done crispy top and margin divine! So my plan is to bake apples to fix the fragrance of the large gas oven, and to bake a half recipe in the heavier loaf pan on a shelf below the middle at 325. And whatever you suggest about pan preparation though I don’t have an oil spray. I can butter, butter and flour, or butter and parchment paper. If the paper, is the paper itself buttered, or just the pan beneath? I really want the crispy edges all around if possible. And I suspect the lower slower route in the larger oven closer to the bottom will accomplish that. I just have to decide on the pan prep. It is a heavy well made loaf pan. Thank you so much for all of your time and kind attention. Best regards, Nora
Coral L. November 20, 2020
Ah! Then I wonder, worry, if the electric oven is, indeed, getting hot enough. Let's try with the apples + gas oven :-)

Oh, interesting, re: the flour! Let's do 50:50 AP and cake flour this time, which should be a closer approximation of pastry flour (AP + cornstarch is more like cake flour), which has a slightly lower protein content (8%) than cake flour (9ish%).

As for the pan—let's do a light, uniform butter greasing + dust with flour, and forego the parchment. Just make sure there's butter + flour in all the corners—my pan likes to grab at the cake there, and that's what usually holds up the unmolding.

Can't wait to hear—fingers crossed!

Nora S. November 20, 2020
I’ll be baking later this afternoon and not cutting/tasting till tomorrow. The cake (and only egg white brownies to use up the egg whites) will all go in separate containers, 7 total, for a small outdoor socially distanced gathering with close family, some of whom I haven’t seen in about a year! My son is preparing one container separate meals, all bringing own utensils and drinks etc. I have been the family baker taking over for my Mother who was an acclaimed old world baker, so you can understand why this is so important and emotionally laden for me. I have been wanting to make this cake since first reading of it and writing to you. I feel like you are encouraging me from the very next room. Many thanks. When all is said and done I’m sure there will be another glowing post added to the main page. With best regards, Nora
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