Masa Dough Quantity vs Masa Flour

Hello! I have fresh stoneground masa dough, not the flour. How would I change the quantity of ingredients? Im worried that if I don’t change the quantities that the masa might not come out right. I usually use the masa flour, but like I said came across fresh masa dough. Thank you!

Tamales Azules de Elote
Recipe question for: Tamales Azules de Elote


Lori T. January 2, 2021
What you do next really depends on if your masa is "preparada" (prepared) or sin preparar (not prepared). If it is prepared, then you don't need to do anything because it's ready to use. Since it is already in dough form, adding in the butter and the corn is going to be tricky because there is no dry masa to absorb the extra liquid they will be bringing to the party. Your dough is likely to become a sticky mess unless you add in extra dry masa. If you know which your dough is - prepared or not, then I might be able to help more.
Runnercat January 2, 2021
Thank you for your reply! It is not preparada.
Lori T. January 3, 2021
Since it is only rehydrated, you should be able to add in all of the other ingredients except the water. You won't need to add that in at all. I would have a little extra dry masa on hand just in case things do get sticky, but otherwise prepare things pretty much the way they are written. Happy tamale making, hope they turn out as yummy as they look!
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