Freezing and bCan these biscuits be frozen before baking? Would you still top with the cheese and what temp/timing would you bake from

  • Posted by: TeaVu
  • January 8, 2021
  • 1 Comment
Cheddar & Chive Drop Biscuits
Recipe question for: Cheddar & Chive Drop Biscuits

1 Comment

Lori T. January 8, 2021
I don't see any reason why biscuits with this recipe couldn't be frozen and baked later as you want. I make buttermilk biscuits ahead of time myself, for convenience sake. After I cut them out, I lay them out on a parchment lined cookie sheet so they freeze individually. Once they are frozen, I roll them up in the parchment and pack them into resealable freezer baggies. I would not top these with the cheese before freezing, because that is more likely to get knocked off and/or freezer burned. I'd hold off on topping until right before they went in the oven. Mixed in things would be fine, though. You can bake them directly from the freezer, and it adds about 10 minutes or so of extra baking time depending on your oven. I've never thawed them first, so i can't say how that would go. Sticky, like as not. I usually bake mine at 425F, but in this case, I'd stick with the 375F the recipe calls for. Since they are frozen wrapped in the parchment, I can just unroll what I want and cut the paper- and use that to line the baking sheet. Hope this works for you, too.
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