I have a bag each of semolina flour and durum flour.

I notice that you use semolina flour in one recipe and durum in a different one. Can they be combined in some ideal proportion to make good pasta? I have a bag of each. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Deb
  • January 31, 2021
  • 1 Comment
Master Pasta Dough, Two Ways
Recipe question for: Master Pasta Dough, Two Ways

1 Comment

Meryl F. February 1, 2021
Hi Deb,

Semolina is just another name for durum wheat--my go-to egg pasta dough recipe listed here includes a little bit of both. I usually add between 25-50 grams of semolina to my egg dough depending on the size of the batch. If you want to make some of the hand-formed shapes (like cavatelli, capunti, orecchiette, etc.), you would just need semolina and water.

Hope this helps!
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