What does one do with all the oil after frying something??

La B
  • Posted by: La B
  • February 4, 2021
Banana Fritters
Recipe question for: Banana Fritters


Lori T. February 4, 2021
It kind of depends on what your needs are. You can filter and reuse it a few times, before eventually it's not any good for cooking. At that point, I have a few uses for my own, so I don't have as much to haul away for recycling. I mix some of it with essential oil and white vinegar to use as a furniture polish on wood furniture. I use some of it to clean and moisturize outdoor wicker furniture. I also have a container of old oil and sand that I use to clean and protect garden tools, shovels and such. During the summer, I also mix a bit of essential oil in and burn it in outside oil lamps, instead of lamp oil. Finally, I use a small amount each year to clean and moisturize our leather winter boots, and to slightly waterproof them.
Lori T. February 4, 2021
There can be some unpleasant odor if your oil is really old, or if it's been hanging around a while. That's why I add in the essential oil. I've never noticed an odor problem using it on furniture, but I wouldn't want to burn the oil inside the house. I don't bother to add scent when using it on garden tools, or with the boots, since I don't think it's necessary or worrisome.
Nancy February 4, 2021
Most times you can cool, then filter and store the oil for another few uses.
See linked article for detailed tips.
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