Does anyone have a bread recipe for the 2 liter Staub cocette aka Dutch oven?

I know it will make a small loaf, but that is exactly what I want for my occassional guest(s).

Karol Collison
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Nancy February 7, 2021
Karol -
This bread isn't made specifically for a Dutch oven, Staub or other.
But I've made it in many different pans, including cast iron, and it worked well in all.
More important, it's one of my favorite breads (for years), useable for toast, sandwiches, dinner rolls, mopping up sauces, French toast or bread pudding. The mashed potatoes in it give it moisture and the ability to last a few more days in the house. Also, before posting I calculated the volume of ingredients and they come to just over 2 L, good to bake in an open pot.
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