Can this be made in Individual portions

Is it possible to make this in individual dishes of some kind? Like small ramekins?

  • Posted by: Rona
  • February 10, 2021
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Nancy February 10, 2021
Rona - haven't done individual portions of this recipe, but yes of others. Often find them fussy and difficult because of very small measures and very short baking times.
Two other suggestions, one from recipe headnote and one adaptation of that.
1) Make half the recipe - which would give about 5 servings (halving the ingredients and reducing baking time). Then portion out the results, eat one first day and hold remainder in fridge for other days.
2) Prepare half the recipe as instructed, divide in 5 portions, freeze 4 for future use and bake one for first day/solo serving. Use very short baking time to start, watch as it goes, add more time if/as needed.
Good luck!
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