If you subbed boneless chicken breast in this recipe would it change the cooking time?

  • Posted by: cheepers
  • February 11, 2021
Punjabi-Style Chicken Curry
Recipe question for: Punjabi-Style Chicken Curry


Kristen W. February 12, 2021
You will also probably get less juice out of boneless chicken breasts than bone-in thighs so you might want to have a little bit of chicken stock on hand in case the dishseems a bit dry. If you do that you can also take the breasts out as soon as they are done and continue to simmer the other ingredients together for a bit if you want more intense flavor, and then add the breasts back in and heat them gently in the curry. Recipe sounds tasty!
Lori T. February 11, 2021
Yes, it will take less time to cook. Boneless chicken breasts cook faster than bone in chicken thighs.
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