A question about a recipe: Celli Ripieni , any particular preference for the white wine or is regular table wine acceptable?

I have a question about step 1 on the recipe "Celli Ripieni (Grape jam dumplings)" from Emiko. It says:

"Preheat the oven to 350 F. For the pastry, mix all the ingredients together until you get a smooth, elastic dough. It’s a beautifully velvety pastry. Don’t over work it; when it comes together nicely just wrap it in some plastic wrap and let it rest while you prepare the filling."



Panfusine April 14, 2011
Thanks, looking forward to trying this out!
Emiko April 14, 2011
Hi, great question - I should have maybe added these details to the recipe. The recipe is from Abruzzo, so naturally a white wine from that region would be ideal, but failing that try any dry white wine!
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