How does one cook Bhutanese red rice? I bought some during a foray into the bulk bins (a favorite past-time) but now need to cook the stuff.

And I do mean "now," as in, "for dinner tonight." Thanks so much, PicklePals! ;o)



healthierkitchen April 14, 2011
Also, I found it to have a slightly sweet profile when I tried it the first time, so I ended up making a dessert with it.
healthierkitchen April 14, 2011
Package says 1.5 cups water to 1 cup rice - usual method for rice: bring to a boil, cover and reduce to simmer. Package says 20 minutes, and then let it stand a bit.
pierino April 14, 2011
I've used it in jambalaya in place of white rice. Color and texture.
boulangere April 14, 2011
Oooh, good idea for fried rice, Mrs. L.
mrslarkin April 14, 2011
yes, I agree with Greenstuff. I cooked it in my rice cooker, as I do my brown rice. It came out great. Definitely a little more al dente than other rice varieties, but I love it. I bet it makes great fried rice, if you have leftovers.
Greenstuff April 14, 2011
I just cook it like any other rice. It's just a little nuttier or richer than a more typical white or brown variety. I also use if for mixing blends.

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