Your very best clear-out-the-fridge dinners

It's likely a familiar experience: It's just about time to restock the fridge, so you gather up the ingredients lingering behind, maybe reaching to the pantry for some help, too—and then you decide what to make. But that last step can feel like a challenge, right? We know that lots of home cooks would love if you shared your know-how! What have been some of your best clear-out-the-fridge dinners?

Emily Kochman


HalfPint April 19, 2021
Emily K. April 19, 2021
Thanks, HalfPint!
MMH April 17, 2021
Emily K. April 19, 2021
Perfect vessel for those odds and ends.
Gammy April 17, 2021
"Chef's" salad reigns supreme in my house! Add anything and everything. Cooked veges can be marinated for 10-20 minutes (peas, asparagus, squash, even roasted potatoes). Raw veges like carrots, celery. Thin sliced roast remainders, or deli meats. Cheese ends can be grated. Don't forget canned olives or beans.
Emily K. April 19, 2021
A bit of everything left over—love it!
luvcookbooks April 17, 2021
Seasoning meat
luvcookbooks April 17, 2021
Uses up greens
luvcookbooks April 17, 2021
Green sides up greens (ok, I repeated), garlic, onions, shallots, herbs, seasoned Nguye meat depending on what you have around. Goes with polenta or cornbread, nice side with ham, green shakshuka if you have eggs, add beans if you have those....
Emily K. April 19, 2021
All excellent ideas, thanks luvcookbooks!
702551 April 16, 2021
Fried rice is a no-brainer.
Emily K. April 19, 2021
Fried rice always.
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