how many 4 ounce boneless pork chops = One 7 ounce bone-in pork chop?

Deana R
  • Posted by: Deana R
  • April 19, 2021


Nancy April 20, 2021
No, probably don't have to double the meat.
Surprisingly, one nutrition data base shows that equal weights of those two pork chops provide equal nutrition. I'm a bit skeptical, but maybe it's true if the bones are relatively small or light-weight.
If so, maybe better to think in terms of weight than in terms of #s.
28 oz (4x7) is just under 2 lb.
Use 2 lb of the boneless chops to replace 2 lb of the bone-in ones.
How to determine weight - scale if you have one, package label, approximate heft if you hold a 2 lb object in one hand and the boneless chops in the other.
Deana R. April 19, 2021
Hello, I am trying to figure out if I will need to double the recipe I have for "Maple Glazed Pork Chops". Which calls for four (4) bone-in pork chops (7 ounces each) and I have eight (8) thin boneless porkchops. Can someone please help??!!! :-)
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