Extremely disappointed in lack of response

On April 19 I posted a hotline question re: having problems adding a photo to a recipe. I also emailed the editors with my problem and after getting no personal response, emailed again on 4/23. I know you all are busy but there is a definite glitch on my add a photo page that needs to be looked into. If anyone can personally get hold of a Food52 staffer to help me I'd truly appreciate it.



Nancy April 28, 2021
It appears the Hotline has had little staff involvement or oversigh since Lindsey Jean Hard left about 3 or 4 years ago.
Maybe this "Food Community" person who recently started posting general questions could also keep an eye out for problems like InPatsKitchen problem with uploading photos.
Brinda A. April 28, 2021
Nancy, we do our best to make sure that all questions are answered in the order in which they come in. We have reported this particular problem to our Product, Design & Engineering team and will be back with a response shortly.

In terms of staff involvement on the Hotline—we answer community questions to the best of our ability given time and personnel constraints, and staff the Hotline for the full week leading up to Thanksgiving.

The reason our Care and Community teams are seeding questions to the Hotline currently is in response to your mention above—to spark conversation and also be able to monitor questions and replies on the Hotline more effectively.
inpatskitchen April 28, 2021
Brinda: Thanks for reporting my problem to the Product, Design and Engineering Team. Hopefully the team will be able to fix my glitch soon.
Nancy April 28, 2021
Brinda - thanks for your reply and attention to InPatsKitchen photo problem.
Emma L. April 28, 2021
Hi inpatskitchen! So sorry for our delay here, and thanks for bringing it to our attention. We haven't noticed any photo-uploading issues on our end, so our hunch is that the photo's file size might have been too large. Hope you don't run into any more snags—but if you do, we're here to help however we can.
inpatskitchen April 28, 2021
Emma I have been posting photos for years. I had the same issue with the last recipe I posted also. It's not the size of my photo. When you go to my "add a photo" page there is literally nowhere to click. I have attempted every word on the page to no avail. I hope you will have a tech person look at this and thanks for your quick response.
inpatskitchen April 28, 2021
It won't even let me go to "upload" photo so it can't be a question of size.
Emma L. April 28, 2021
We just checked your most recent recipe, Dilled Cauliflower Vichyssoise (yum), and all the correct buttons are available and working for us. Can you share screenshots of what you're seeing on the recipe page and what happens when you click "Add Photos"?
inpatskitchen April 28, 2021
This is a shot of my add photos page
Emma L. April 28, 2021
Great! That looks like it should be working but our care team can help out if not: https://support.food52.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
inpatskitchen April 28, 2021
Where should I be clicking Emma? If I click save it tells me to add a photo but doesn't show me where. If I click cancel it takes me back to the recipe. There is NO other place to click.
Emma L. April 29, 2021
If you click the "Add Photo" button, that should lead you to a box where you can upload a photo from your computer. Then you click "Save."
inpatskitchen April 29, 2021
Emma, I'm sorry but the only buttons I can click on to when I go to my add photo page are "save" and "cancel" exactly like the photo of the page I sent you. NO "upload photo" appears in that box as you can see. I'm frustrated as Heck!
inpatskitchen April 29, 2021
I'm sending you the link to the only page I get again. https://food52.com/recipes/85490-dilled-cauliflower-vichyssoise/images/edit
Brinda A. April 29, 2021
Hi there, thanks for clarifying. Can you please send a screenshot or photo of your screen rather than the link itself? When any of us clicks on the link provided, we are able to access all of the buttons including "upload photo." As far as the team here can tell, there is no technical glitch with the site, so we'd love to walk through a few troubleshooting mechanisms with you. One, can you try clearing your cache and cookies in your web browser's settings? Second, can you try logging out and logging back into your Food52 account? Third, can you try using another web browser? Fourth, can you try accessing another recipe to see if you can add a photo to it, so we can isolate the problem? Without a bit more information from your end, we're unfortunately unable to isolate the problem. The site is functioning as intended on the back end.
inpatskitchen April 29, 2021
I was able to post the photo from my iphone. So sorry for all the inconvenience, but at least I know what to do from here on in. Thanks so much for bearing with me.
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