Would these work with other whole grain flours, such as kamut or spelt?



702551 June 13, 2021
I don't see why not.

Humans have been making quick bread pancakes from whatever grain was locally viable since they started cultivating grains thousands of years ago. Today's wheat is a modern invention, things like spelt, barley, buckwheat, rye, etc. are much older grains with a far longer history.

I would say "go for it". If you are apprehensive, just make a small batch. It's not like any of these grains are super expensive anyhow.

Best of luck.
HalfPint June 28, 2021
This recipe does not make a large batch of pancakes. I thinks it's only a cup of flour. We got 6 3-4" pancakes which was enough for our family of 3 :)
Oaklandpat June 28, 2021
I tried it with whole spelt and preferred the whole wheat version. In both cases, my batter was very thick and needed thinning with some additional milk. True what HalfPint says about the servings...perfect for a small group.
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