Jicama - favorite ways to prepare or eat

I just bought a pretty big jicama when I saw it unexpectedly in a regular grocery store. Used to make it but out of practice. I see lots of recipes. Wonder what your recent favorite ingredient or flavor combinations might be. Or recipes. TIA, Nancy

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • June 24, 2021


Nancy June 27, 2021
Oops. Accidentally posted good results with jicama on thread about possible mushroom dirt in salmon dish.
AntoniaJames June 24, 2021
I cut it into small matchsticks and use in place of cabbage or lettuce on tacos. It has a nice flavor, while delivering that wonderful crunchy texture every taco (made with soft tortillas) needs.

What I don't use goes into a salad with leaf lettuce, cucumber, etc., dressed with a lime vinaigrette. Jicama loves lime! ;o)
AntoniaJames June 24, 2021
What I don't use on the tacos, that is . . . . . ;o)
Nancy June 24, 2021
Thanks, AJ for these ideas. Already stocked up on limes (that much I remembered) and fresh vegetables. Now planning which taco filling to make.
HalfPint June 24, 2021
My mother adds shredded jicama to egg rolls for extra crunch. Jicama keeps its crunch even after cooking. We Viets like to add it to salads (shredded) and salad rolls. Sometimes, Mom likes to add it to Vietnamese steamed pork baos or shumai. More simply, we cut jicama into little batons and dip into chili salt as a snack (no cooking required).
Nancy June 24, 2021
Thanks, HalfPint for all these suggestions. The egg roll/salad roll with jicama is a new idea for me (will have to get or make some wrappers and a few ingredients), as is the snack dipping idea (have plenty of chilies and salt).
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