Look and taste delicious but they don’t hold together

Followed the recipe exactly - no substitutions or “creative” adjustments and they just don’t hold together. They are delicious on top of the tzatzaki but I’m disappointed they aren’t really “cakes”. Thoughts?

  • Posted by: soher
  • July 11, 2021


Nancy July 11, 2021
Most beet cake recipes that I know of have either eggs or soft cheese as a binder (small amounts, but still). This one doesn't. Could use tofu if you want to make it vegan.
soher July 11, 2021
Makes sense, will use an egg or 2 next time as there will definitely be a next time!
Thanks so much
Nancy July 11, 2021
PS I've made one recipe for years that works, where flour helps hold the beet pancake together (recipe from Union Square Cafe, but not easily findable now online).
Mark Bittman has a similar one with flour.
And a blogger named Liz has one with a single egg.
soher July 12, 2021
Thanks so much! I went down the google rabbit hole and most veggie burgers have some sort of binder. Appreciate your help.
Amy C. July 12, 2021
Hi Nancy,

The chickpeas in this recipe act as a binder. They do need to be cooked well and not all canned chickpeas are soft and creamy inside so you do need to check them. You can always boil them a little before using them in the recipe. You also need to crush them so that some a creamy and some are crushed--it happens naturally when they are soft enough and then you are trying to crush them all, some will mash completely and others not. This is good.Then be sure the beets are cooked enough so that the whole thing binds. I've never needed to add an egg or flour and you don't need tofu because chickpeas have an egg-like quality that other beans do not.

Hope this helps!

Nancy July 12, 2021
Amy, thanks for your note.

When I read through the recipe before responding, I guessed (not having made your version yet) that the chickpea cooking was key. Nice to have it confirmed.

Maybe Soher and the rest of us don't need the additions (crutches) of egg/tofu, flour or soft cheese.

Will try your version...I find beet pancakes good as a side or a base for a main dish.

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