Im replacing lasagne sheets with couscous should I pre cook it, par cook it, or leave it raw & sprinkle it as a layer?

I’m making lasagne with mince and tomato based sauce with leftover bok choy & grated sweet potato inside and a cottage cheese, mozzarella, Parmesan and spinach layer instead of bechamel. When I went to the shop to buy lasagne sheets they didn’t have fresh or dry left so I bought couscous instead but I’m worried I will ruin the whole dish and it will be gluggy and unpalatable (overcooked) or literally inedible (raw) and it’s all I have to eat for the rest of the week. I’m cutting and prepping to make it now….Please help, thanks ☺️



drbabs July 28, 2021
I just want to say that I love this idea! So creative! Please let us know how it turns out.
AntoniaJames July 27, 2021
This sounds altogether delicious - better than conventional lasagne, by far. Let us know how it turned out, please. ;o)
Nancy July 27, 2021
Hope this is in time. Sounds like a creative but sound use of couscous.
You'll be glad to know others have been there before you and merely steep the couscous in boiling water or stock a few minutes, then mix in the oven-proof pan and bake.
Cookkai1 July 28, 2021
Thank you so much, You saved my lasagne! (And sanity 😂) I cooked the cous cous before and fluffed it then sprinkled it between the layers and the whole thing came out great!
Nancy July 28, 2021
Lovely, glad to hear it :)
I have a feeling lots of us will be making this variation now.
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