Changing a recipe from 1 pound to 20 pounds and from oven to nesco, do i need to change cooking time

No peek beef tips and gravy, 1 lb stew meat, 1 can mushroom soup, 1 dry onion soup, 1 dry brown gravy, 1 can mushrooms, 1 and 1/2 cups water. Do i need all the liquid? Usually cook at 350 for 3 hours, how long for 20 pounds, HELP would be appreciated



Mamahedge1 November 12, 2021
I am using a nesco roaster, i should be able to fit it all in there
Nancy November 12, 2021
Following HalfPint, yes use less water/liquid.
And here's an article with many tips about converting from oven to pressure cooker - times, temps, what sorts of food work best.
HalfPint November 11, 2021
Is Nesco as slow cooker? If it is, then you will not need nearly as much water. Slow cookers tend to not need a lot of liquid.
Also, will the Nesco hold 20 pounds of stew meat and all the other scaled up ingredients?

I would start by cooking for 6 hours and check to see if the meat is tender enough for you. Keep cooking if needed.
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