How to get the crunch without burned nuts?

I've made this twice now. The pie is dynamite, but I cannot get the topping to turn crunchy - the nuts start burning and I have to pull it out after just 2-3 minutes. Happened both times just like that. Any suggestions?



drbabs December 9, 2021
Pecans roast really quickly. I think I’d try layering in the topping and the pecans, and returning the pie to the 325 degree oven (with foil on the crust) for 10 minutes. The pecans will likely be lightly toasted and not burned. You can always finish with a quick carefully watched blast of the broiler if you want them darker.
Nancy December 9, 2021
Or, cook the pie and the topping separately. Watch the topping so it doesn't burn, remove from oven. Combine with pie and serve.
Nancy December 9, 2021
Or, cook the pie and the topping separately. Watch the topping so it doesn't burn, remove from oven. Combine with pie and serve.
AntoniaJames December 9, 2021
It sounds like your broiler might be run on the hot side. Are you placing the pan 6" below the heating element? Are you leaving the door ajar? I'm guessing you are. Perhaps try lowering the rack an inch or two. Or maybe you could put the topping on, cover the whole thing with foil, and broil for a few minutes to get the topping hot without burning the nuts, and only then remove the foil and broil, exposed, for a few minutes, watching it like a hawk all the while. ;o)
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