What are the best-tasting vegan cheeses generally available?

I need a good feta substitute, but am interested in any others you recommend, primarily to use in cooking and baking. Brands, especially, would be appreciated. I am planning for house guests over the holiday, one of which cannot have any dairy products. Thanks so much, everyone. ;o)



MMH December 11, 2021
We are new to this also with a family member recently diagnosed lactose intolerant. We have minimal experimentation but have learned that feta, Parmesan, and the harder, aged cheeses are so low in lactose that they can be tolerated by many. Some people also tolerate Swiss & sharp cheddar while others don’t. Our family member can tolerate Parmesan & feta in the amount shown in the recipe photo. The two brands mentioned by the other writers are brands which I have read are recommended. I have also read that Miyoko is recommended. I have yet to cook with any of them. We have been eating in vegan restaurants to see how we feel about vegan cheese before we decide whether we like it enough to cook with it. It has an odd texture/look. Let us know how this turns out I am very curious. Good luck.
AntoniaJames December 13, 2021
MMH, thanks for this. The Miyoko cultured vegan butter is great. It's one of the few vegan butters that can be used to make "brown butter." I read that's because it contains nuts, which provide the proteins necessary to make that work.

Unfortunately, our guest's issues with dairy go beyond lactose intolerance, but that's okay. I always like a challenge!

I will let you know how things go. ;o)
louisez December 10, 2021
My daughter likes violife, and they have a version of feta.I haven't tried it myself, but maybe someone else has and can tell you about it.
louisez December 10, 2021
One more thing: not all vegan cheese melts well. Don't know about this specific cheese. If no one else can tell you about it, maybe experiment before guests arrive?
AntoniaJames December 13, 2021
Thanks, louisez. I haven't heard of violife, but I'll look for it. And yes, I'll test it out in advance. I don't need cheese that melts well for this, but I can imagine that there's a lot of variation in what's out there as to how they perform. ;o)
drbabs December 10, 2021
Hi AJ. I’m not vegan, but I know someone who is 100% plant based and a cook, and she often posts about the brands of foods she uses. (Her name is Debby, and her FB &IG sites are called Happy Healthy Long Life if you’re interested.) At Whole Foods, she buys Kite Hill almond milk ricotta and Tree Line spreadable vegan cheeses. I can message her for more information if you need it.
AntoniaJames December 13, 2021
Thanks, drbabs. I've gotten Kite Hill coconut yogurt before. I hadn't heard about the ricotta. I'll definitely look into that. I've also heard that the Tree Line spreadable cheeses are good, so I'll probably give those a try, too. ;o)
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