Is the herb amount correct? It seems so strong! Help please!
Two and a half tablespoons of herbs? That seems like a lot of herbs. I cut it in half, and it still seemed soo strong. I want to make it again, but I didn't quite like the taste. Any ideas? Is it supposed to be teaspoons instead of tablespoons? I love herbs, but this is way too strong...
And also, just out of curiosity, what does the sugar do in this recipe? The 1/4 tsp doesn't seem like enough to sweeten it, and I like staying off sugar if possible. Would it mess anything up if I excluded it?
Very beautiful bread though. I hope it turns out and I can share it with friends at a Christmas party tomorrow! ❤
Merry Christmas everyone! And happy baking!
Recipe question for:
Cheese and Herb Star Bread
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