Would a 2 day bulk fermentation ruin this dough? As opposed to the half a day rest it is supposed to get?

Hi there,
A wrench was thrown into my plans. I've got my dough resting in the fridge right now. According to the schedule, I should shape and fry tomorrow (Wed). Would it be okay for me to shape and fry on Thursday instead? Would that mess with any of the chemistry/science of the dough? One part of my brain is saying "should just get more flavorful?" while the other part of my brain is going "there are eggs! Who knows what could happen!"

Kat Christensen
Sourdough Apple Cider Doughnuts
Recipe question for: Sourdough Apple Cider Doughnuts


Maurizio L. December 21, 2021
It should be fine. The eggs won't cause issue, but they might be slightly more sour, but given the sugar coating, it should be okay!
Kat C. December 21, 2021
Thank you!
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