Hello. What would you do if your closed neighbors have a two screaming donkeys?

We politely asked them to move them from my bedroom.The response was: stick with it! What can I do? Are all Oklahomans are “friendly”?

  • Posted by: Irina
  • January 11, 2022


aargersi January 12, 2022
Irina if you are concerned for your neighbors’ animals welfare definitely contact your local animal control officer, likely through your local animal shelter. They can do a well check on the property and animals and make sure they are fed and sheltered.
That said, there also need to be animal protection laws in place that are enforceable. Lacking those they may only be able to issue a warning.
Also, my neighbors (not RIGHT next door) have two mini donkeys that when they bray sound more like the iron hull of a ship being ripped apart than a cute little Hee-Haw, but I find it hilarious.

Not sure this is a conversation for a food and cooking discussion forum 🤣
CatGirl101 January 11, 2022
I feel you. I just told my neighbors about the situation and they… moved! It helps to help people understand the problem.
Irina January 11, 2022
I’m happy for you. My neighbors are exceptional,nasty people and greedy. They don’t love their animals because their horses stayed under rain for a hours this summer. We are living in extremely heat environment. I’m watching for these poor animals everyday from my bedroom window. I’m still don’t understand where I’m living in the racetrack or in the residential area? It’s very sad that in the modern time “ people” still disrespect their neighbors rights and still live in the old ancient time.
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