how much balsamic vinegar should I add at the end?

oh my goodness this is turned out fabulous...was just curious quantity of balsamic....I added 1 tsp....but not sure it made an impact

  • Posted by: gwiz
  • January 17, 2022
Bucatini Pasta with Pork Ragu
Recipe question for: Bucatini Pasta with Pork Ragu


MMH January 17, 2022
If you have a really good balsamic, & you want to do a dramatic & fun presentation, you could present the balsamic in a fun way at the table & let your guests add their own. And, I guess that is also to taste so have fun with it! That’s so great that it turned out so well!
Nancy January 17, 2022
The recipe says to add the balsamic vinegar "to taste," so there's no specific amount.
One way to work that out is to look at the recipe which serves about 6 to 8 people.
So ask yourself, how much of the vinegar would you use for each person?
Then add that just before serving.
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