how to make it cheaper? how to make it cheaper? how to make it cheaper?

how to make it cheaper? how to make it cheaper? how to make it cheaper?

  • Posted by: Pushok
  • February 15, 2022


drbabs February 15, 2022
To make the dish less expensively (is that what you mean?), you could change some of the ingredients. Instead of extra virgin olive oil, you could use whatever oil you happen to have in your pantry. Same with the onion. Our grocery store sells spices and nuts in bulk— you could buy only what you need if yours does. For the chicken, bone in chicken is often less expensive per pound than boneless (but there is some waste). You could buy chicken thighs, debone them yourself, and then have bones for stock. The most expensive ingredients in this are the chicken and the nuts. If the cashews are a budget breaker, you could leave them out. I’m sure the cashews add a certain depth to the dish, but it will be good without them. Good luck. I hope this helps.
Nancy February 15, 2022
Some more economy buying strategies:
• buy chicken when on sale. If you don’t need/ want to cook it that week save in freezer
• buy olive oil cheaper in volume can (and decant into usable bottles)
• buy spices in cellophane bags of about 100-300g (much cheaper rate than the glass bottles about 4 oz) abd put in your own bottles.
• buy whole spices (hold flavor about 3-4x as long as ground, so better value) and grind as you need...for a week or two, or for each recipe.
Pushok February 15, 2022
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