Baking sheet replacement for cast iron skillet?

Has anyone tried this recipe with a baking sheet? Trying to decide between this recipe and Alison Roman’s pizza night. Hers easily translates to a pizza party via baking sheet. Looking to make this for a party this weekend!



702551 March 30, 2022
This question was asked and answered on April 14, 2020. Scroll through the recipe comments until you reach that date.

Recipe author Kristen Miglore suggested using a cake pan or other vessel with similar higher sides to contain the dough rather than a baking sheet.

At least one commenter had success doing this in a braising pan and another wrote that it worked in a springform pan. Again, two receptacles with higher sides.

It is noteworthy that a substantial number of commenters said that using a 12-inch cast iron skillet produced superior results to the 10-inch skillet called for in the recipe.

I did not read through all of the comments.

It is probably worth seeking out the original recipe on the King Arthurs Flour website and reading through any comments there as well.

Best of luck.
brittany March 30, 2022
Thank you!!!
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