One spatchcocked chicken at 425 takes 1 hour. How long will 2 spatchcocked chickens take take?

kari schoessler


AntoniaJames April 5, 2022
If the two spatchcocked chickens are put in separate pans, or are on one large sheet pan, with room between them, the time to roast them should be the same - 1 hour. If crammed together, it probably would take longer, as the hot air needs to surround the chicken to roast it most efficiently. If putting in separate pans, I'd switch the location of the pans in the oven halfway through the cooking time, as if you were baking two sheets of cookies, for more even roasting. If both are on a large sheet pan, I'd rotate it 180 degrees halfway. ;o)
Nancy April 6, 2022
Yes - and another way to check the chicken doneness is when vitamins reaches internal 165F temp.
Nancy April 6, 2022
"Vitamins" courtesy of Auto Incorrect.
Just test chicken with thermometer not touching a bone.
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