Overnight rise Pan di ramerino

This recipe sounds amazing. Is it possible to do an overnight refrigerator rise so I can bake them the next day? That is the method I use for my regular sourdough bread. I assume the entire schedule will need to be modified. Thanks for your suggestions!!!

Sourdough Pan di Ramerino
Recipe question for: Sourdough Pan di Ramerino


AntoniaJames April 13, 2022
Yes, you certainly can. Follow the recipe through the shaping stage, let the buns rise a bit (10 - 20 minutes, on the lower end if your kitchen is very warm); then, cover tightly with cling wrap and put into the refrigerator overnight. Take them out first thing in the morning. If they seem to need more of a rise (they probably won't), let them sit on the counter until the oven is nice and hot, or a few minutes longer, if necessary. Proceed with the recipe as drafted. ;o).
sticksnscones April 13, 2022
thanks! can't wait to try making these.
Maurizio L. April 13, 2022
Yes! After shaping them, pop them into the fridge. The next day, take out and finish proofing until super puffy, then proceed with recipe. That's the only change!
sticksnscones April 13, 2022
Thank you so much for your reply. I can't wait to make these...they have all the things I love in them!
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