can I use non sashimi grade ahi tuna?

I bought a beautiful ahi tuna, but it is not sashimi grade. It looks just thawed, beautiful bright red.

Weird banana
Tuna Ceviche
Recipe question for: Tuna Ceviche


702551 July 30, 2022
Sure. The recipe says that the sashimi grade fish is preferable (which implies that it is not recommended).

Assuming your tuna is super fresh, the biggest difference between the sashimi-grade cut and the normal cut will be the texture for this recipe. Particularly, the sashimi-grade cut will be from parts of the flesh that has less fibers. When raw, these fibers end up being like chewy string but cooked are softer.

You can counteract this stringiness a bit by chopping up the raw tuna finer than what is pictured in the photo. Thus, you will sacrifice some of the charm of biting into a generous chunk of tuna in exchange for less stringiness and a smaller dent in your wallet.
702551 July 30, 2022
Sorry, let me correct the second sentence.

The recipe says that the sashimi grade fish is preferable (which implies that it is better than the non-sashimi grade stuff).
Weird B. July 31, 2022
I ended up seared and marinated just in case. It turned up beautiful! Thanks for your speedy responses anyway.
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