Can I use an airlock instead of weight?

Can I use a pickling airlock system for these instead of the weight? I find it hard to keep all the little bits of dill that break off under the brine with a weight and have had several batches grow unwanted mold on the floating bits, despite my best efforts to scrape them out... looking for a more fool-proof method

  • Posted by: ErinJoy
  • October 20, 2022
  • 1 Comment
Fantastic Fermented Green Beans
Recipe question for: Fantastic Fermented Green Beans

1 Comment

Lori T. October 21, 2022
Yes, you can certainly opt to ferment using an airlock system instead of weights alone. I have a wide mouth jar with lock set up that I use for just this sort of thing. If you have a weight, it helps keep things submerged- and the lock prevents molds from getting to the parts that will float past it. Carbon dioxide can burp out, but air can't get in past the water lock. You can buy the lid setup for wide mouth jars through spots like Amazon or a brewer's supply. There are two kinds as a rule, a 3 piece and an "s" shape. Either works as well as the other, but I find the 3 piece sort easier to clean and sanitize.
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