Can this dip be frozen? ——- please help

I work cooking for a bar- wondering if I could freeze a batch of this and if so, how I’d help it thaw to an ok consistency. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Claire
  • October 20, 2022
New-School French Onion Dip
Recipe question for: New-School French Onion Dip


Nancy October 20, 2022
Nope to freezing the fully made dip in quantity for commercial use. Results of freezing cream cheese & sour cream are poor in texture and recommended only when you accidentally have too much and/or plan to use them in something like baking where the texture will be hidden by other ingredients or heat. (I know, l’ve tried it.)
However , there is a way to make this in bulk - more or less.
Stock up on the dip separated into three parts: onion jam, the dairy and the optional fried crispy shallots. Onion jam (which I’ve made for home and gifts) lasts months or maybe longer - if not eaten up - in the fridge. Crispy shallots commercial or home made last months tightly sealed at room temp. Then buy about 3-4 weeks’ worth of the dairy to store in fridge.
Mix batches as needed, and serve.
Make new batches of the onion jam and shallot garnish to fit your schedule or how much the bar goes through.
Sounds great!
What’s the bar address and which date dintiu have happy hour?
Nancy October 20, 2022
End should read “which days do you have happy hour?”
Claire January 5, 2023
Thank you so much for this thought-out response! Very helpful. JUST added it to the menu this week- but added lemon zest, splash aminos, and lots of raw scallions to balance the sweetness. The bar is The Merry Shelley in Buffalo, NY! It’s our city’s only literary gothic bar and an EXPERIENCE to say the least. We don’t have happy hour but because we want to make this bar accessible for everyone, costs are always on the lower side! 1/4 cup of dip with 2 bags of potato chips will only set you back $7.
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