How is the butternut squash prepared prior to roasting (size and shape)?

The instructions just say to roast the butternut squash at 375, no preparation (e.g. size and shape of pieces). The photo suggests that the squash roasted as fairly thin square tile-shaped pieces, but it isn't specified.



AntoniaJames December 9, 2022
I frequently put butternut squash on our pizzas during the fall and winter. Here's what I do: Before anything else, I turn the oven on to 425 degrees and place a large baking sheet (half sheet) on the rack.. I then and cut the long neck off, without peeling, and then cut that into quarters lengthwise. Holding two of those pieces together to form a half of the neck, cut-size down, I cut quarter-inch slices. I toss those with olive oil and salt, then throw them on the hot baking sheet, not waiting for the oven to come to the full temperature. They'll sizzle! After 10 minutes, I check to confirm that the slices are caramelized on the bottom. If they are not, I leave them in for a few more minutes. By the time, they're caramellized, they're also soft enough to put on the pizza. I try to arrange them with that side up on the pizza, as they are so appealing. ;o)
702551 December 4, 2022
The way I read the recipe, the butternut squash is thinly sliced (per the ingredient list) before it is roasted.

They will gain more caramelization with large flat surfaces.

Best of luck.
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