Substitute for cookie butter?

In New Zealand we don’t have cookie butter - can we substitute butter and spices or maybe peanut butter with Xmas spices?

  • Posted by: Chris
  • December 4, 2022
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Lori T. December 4, 2022
I believe you can find speculoos, or Biscoff cookies at shops in New Zealand- but if not you can order both cookies or the butter. If you get the cookies, there are recipes on the great interwebs for making the butter yourself. Failing that, you might locate what are called windmill cookies, or even the thin ginger cookies which you could grind and make the butter with. The taste won't be quite the same, but close, and still pretty yummy in it's own right. The Speculoos are a spiced crispy buttery cookie- and you can also find recipes to make those as well. Serious Eats has a really good recipe for that- although that too is rather involved process for it. And honestly, it's a bit labor intensive to make a cookie to deconstruct to make another cookie. And a bit obsessive, I think.
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