What do you recommend for a non-alcoholic Substitute

We don’t use alcohol.

Thank you.

Haifaa Al-Moammar


Nancy February 28, 2023
The bourbon was only 2 tbsp - I’d use brown sugar, molasses or caramel sauce for one tbsp (to replace the bourbon flavor notes) and broth or fruit juice for the other tbsp (for liquid).
Emily Z. February 28, 2023
I recommend apple cider vinegar with a splash of either vanilla extract or almond extract.
702551 February 28, 2023
Look carefully at the bottles of vanilla extract or almond extract. The FDA requires anything labeled extract to contain at least 35% ethyl alcohol for products sold in the USA.
702551 February 28, 2023
Just omit. I don't think it's worth shopping for a substitute ingredient for what would likely be a one-off replacement case. Then you'll be stuck with something that you don't use on a regular basis.
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