I have some split chicken breasts to cook for dinner...I'm wanting them to be really moist and yummy.
What's the best way to cook them (besides grill)?
BeviOctober 1, 2010
I like Ina's method of baking in oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes with just a rubbing of olive oil, salt, and pepper. From there, you can move forward with a number of recipes.
cheese1227October 1, 2010
Mark Bittman sutffed his with compound butter and grilled them. http://markbittman.com...
pierinoOctober 1, 2010
Browning and braising them works well. Say a 'cacciatore' style sauce.
KaybOctober 1, 2010
Soak them in buttermilk for an hour or so. Add a little extra flavor by wrapping them in bacon before cooking.
BethFalkSeptember 30, 2010
Brining never fails. If you brine them for 30 minutes to an hour in a solution of 1/2 c each sugar (white or brown works) and kosher salt per quart of water, then rinse and pat dry, they'll stay nice and juicy if grilled or sauteed (just don't add extra salt).
anyoneSeptember 30, 2010
If saute'd right a chicken breast should be moist and yummy. Just remember the term low and slow. Season your chicken breast with your favorite seasonings. With chicken I like to season long before I cook. Add olive oil or butter ( I like to use a 50/50 mix of butter and olive oil) and cook each side on low heat very slowly as not to drive the juices out. Turn, once it appears cooked halfway and finsh cooking on low heat to an internal temp of 160F let stand for a few minutes before cutting into. Or season, sear on one side, flip add a little wine put in a 350F oven until done. either way , makes a juicy chicken breast.
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