Brown sugar? Not in ingredients.
The author notes mention sweetness from the brown sugar, but none is in the ingredients list. Do you mean sweetness from the molasses or honey? Just watched your video, and these look amazing. Can't wait to try!
Recipe question for:
Chicken Wings With Hibiscus Barbecue Sauce
Recommended by Food52
If you did want to substitute it, you can do 1:1 since it's a savory recipe (and adjust liquid if necessary) per this story on molasses substitutions:
Nancy's tips are also helpful!
1) find other recipes for chicken with hibiscus (bbq) sauce. There are many from bloggers, appliance manufacturers (e.g., Kitchen Aid) and publicatons (e.g., NYT Cooking).
2) make recipe without the sugar one time, and taste. If you feel it's missing, add some at table and some next time you cook.
3) guesstimate - start low, with 1-2 tsp per serving, add more to taste.