Does this recipe make one or two dozen?

How many regular sized donuts did you all get out of this recipe?
In the video, Erin mentions this would make a bakers dozen, but the written recipe says two dozen.

  • Posted by: Cranky
  • October 30, 2023


Nicole D. October 30, 2023
Hi Cranky! The written recipe instructions are correct—it makes 2 dozen. Let us know how they come out!
Nancy October 31, 2023
In addition to Nicole’s reply.
And for similar questions in the future, I looked at doughnut recipes using the same amount of flour (5c in this case) and found they made at least 2 dozen.
Cranky November 1, 2023
Thank you for a swift answer!

Although I made a very silly mistake and kept the original amount of butter while halving the rest of the recipe (making it an even more sticky dough to work with), they still turned out great! A little crunchy on the outside and nice and fluffy on the inside.
I got 8 large donuts plus 4 holes out of this.
My tips:
1. Do punch it down after the first rise, to build some strength.
2. Keep the dough cool while shaping.
3. Let the donuts rest for a few minutes before frying.

This recipe is a keeper. Thank you (and your great-great-grandma), Erin!
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