Just curious if you used fresh-dried white-bread bread crumbs or something else.. Recipe sounds great. Thanks

I have a question about step 1 on the recipe "Meatballs Emilia-Romagna with Pasta Sheets" from thirschfeld. It says:

"Combine the bread crumbs, milk, grated garlic and grated onions in a bowl and mix to combine. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Combine the beef, egg, parmesan and parsley with the bread crumb mixture and mix very well. ( I used the paddle attachment on my mixer.) Season with a half a teaspoon of salt and a few turns of fresh ground pepper. Make a walnut sized meatball. Place a small saute pan over medium heat. Add some oil and saute the meatball until it is done. Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary. Keep in mind the garlic and onion will grow stronger as the mix sets so you are really only tasting for salt. Place them in the fridge while you cut you veggies."

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1 Comment

Merrill S. May 7, 2011
That's what we used, and it worked perfectly.
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