Would you consider including metric measures in recipes for those of us in countries where Imperialmeasurements are not used?

Sharyn Mercer


Miss_Karen February 5, 2024
I have to Google conversions all the time (for metric) a kitchen scale is quite handy. I agree with Gammy, most Americans don't/ can't do the metrics.
Gammy February 5, 2024
Sorry, most of the recipes here are from home cooks, many in the US. We are not as familiar with metric measurements. There are websites that can help with your translations, such as https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/cooking/cups-grams.php
Nancy February 5, 2024

Some recipes here - by staff or members - YES are written with two measurement systems (imperial and metric). So you could use them.

As someone who grew up in imperial and now lives and cooks in metric, I can tell you another trick (in addition to Gammy’s suggestion of conversion chart.

Learn a few of the most basic measurements (cup is about 225ml, quart is about 900ml, lb is 450g) and then work with them. After I while, you will feel comfortable moving back and forth.

And - except for baking which usually needs exact measures - for most cooking the results will be good.
Nicole D. February 7, 2024
this is a great tip!
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