Are you considering on shipping internationally some day?

I used to live in Canada about a year ago but I moved to another country, so it's impossible for me to buy anything from the site if you ship only to the US.

  • Posted by: Diana
  • September 3, 2014


Lauren K. September 3, 2014
Hi Diana,

We're so glad to hear from you -- and thank you for your kind words about our shop! We aren’t set up to deliver our goods worldwide quite yet -- but it’s great to hear that you're interested. Just so we know -- where do you live now?

We're sorry that you're only able to window shop at the moment but hope that you’ll check back in the future!

Best regards,
Diana September 3, 2014
Hi, thanks for answering so fast!
I currently live in Mexico and I cannot travel to the US to orde and receive your products as I'd like to, since I live in a very small city and finding things like this in stores is almost impossible.
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